Code contributors
RGB as a smart contract system was created in 2019-2023 by Dr Maxim Orlovsky at LNP/BP Standards Association, Switzerland. It has originated from an earlier prototypes and ideas on "colored coins on Lightning" by Giacomo Zucco (BHB Network) and Peter Todd, who proposed concepts of client-side-validation and single-use-seals. A lot of review and design work was done by Federico Tenga (Bitfinex).
Contributors to the current RGB codebase include (in alphabetic order):
- Martin Habovštiak
- Francisco Calderon
- Hunter Trujillo
- Masaki Muranaka
- Nicola Busanello
- Rajar Shimaitra
- Sosthene
- Stefano Pellegrini
- Zoe Faltiba
- zkao
Following people has contributed into the discussions and RGB component design (in alphabetic order):
- Alekos Fillini
- Christophe Diederichs
- Cláudio de Castro
- Chris Stewart
- Emil Bayes
- Fabrizio Armani
- Federico Tenga
- Hunter Trujillo
- Juraj Bednar
- Martino Salvetti
- Max Hillebrand
- Marco Amadori
- Martin Habovštiak
- Nadav Kohen
- Nicola Busanello
- Olga Ukolova
- Paolo Arduino
- Rajar Shimaitra
- Rene Pickhardt
- Reza Bandegi
- Sosthene
- Stefano Pellegrini
- yojoe
- ZmnSCPxj
- Zoe Faltiba
The community and contribution management since 2019 was performed by Olga Ukolova, LNP/BP Standards Association.
Many inputs into protocol design ideas and suggestions came from personal conversations of Dr Maxim Orlovsky and Giacomo Zucco with notable cryptographers, specialists on distributed systems and game theorists, including:
- Adam Back
- Andrew Poelstra
- Christian Decker
- Christopher Allen
- Pieter Wuille