RGB wallets

RGB wallets are developed by the community and independent vendors. Please keep in mind that there is no "official" RGB GUI wallet.

NB: All existing wallets are not yet updated to the latest RGB protocol version v0.10 and are not compatible with modern RGB contracts. If you are interested in trying the new RGB v0.10 features please use the command-line tool.

  • MyCitadel

    The first GUI wallet supporting RGB, was created back in 2021 by people who developed RGB. It provides a cross-platform desktop wallet and an iOS/iPad wallet. Mobile wallets are able to work with fungible RGB assets.

  • BitMask

    The first NFT wallet for RGB which can run in a web browser and interact with RGB contracts similar to MetaMask in Ethereum. The wallet is created by DIBA – issuer of Unique Digital Assets on bitcoin.

  • Iris

    The first Android wallet made by the team at Bitfinex working on RGB integration and RGB-related tools. Supports both fungible and non-fungible assets.