
In RGB, there is no such thing as "program a smart contract"; instead, contracts themselves are issued with no code. This helps to simplify the life of asset issuers and normies, who just need to issue a token, create their self-sovereign identity, run a DAO etc.

This is achieved through separation of concerns, where the development work is kept outside contracts, thanks to things called schema and interface.

  • Contract

    The contract is a contract genesis plus a history of operations on the contract. Together they are used by RGB to compute a deterministic contract state. To create a contract means to issue a contract genesis, which requires no code at all. The Contract issuer just needs to pick a schema which has all features needed in a contract – and use it during the issuance. If the schema with the required properties doesn't exist, the issuer can hire a developer to implement such a schema.

  • Schema

    If you think in terms of object-oriented programming (OOP), a contract is an instance of some class, and in RGB terms this class is named schema. Schema contains all the contract business logic, scripts, definitions of state types (owned and global), allowed operations, rules for validation, data type system etc. Schema by its nature is declarative, it can be easily read or written with Rust macros, YAML, TOML and other declarative languages. Once created, a schema may be used by many contracts of the same type.

  • Interface

    An interface defines how a user-facing software (wallets etc) can interact with a contract. Interfaces provide semantic information about the contract and defines how its state can be presented to the user. If one can compare schema to a class in OOP, than contract interface should be compared to Java interface or Rust trait. As classes can implement interfaces in Java, or structs can implement traits in Rust, in RGB schema can implement many interfaces.