RGB v0.10 becomes stable
It's been 5 month since the first alpha of RGB v0.10 - and today we are thrilled to make the stable release of the RGB command-line tool and runtime library for desktop and mobile integration.
The library was extensively tested by several independent teams and powers three different wallets (MyCitadel on Desktop, Iris on Android, BitMask in Web); it also has stable results on end-to-end tests, including performing multiple complex transfers of multiple assets. Finally, wallet developers may use BDK integration developed by Bitfinex team.
You can read more about RGB v0.10 functionality in our previous announcement. Release notes and source code can be found at https://github.com/RGB-WG/rgb/releases/tag/v0.10.0
We are grateful for everybody involved in stabilizing RGB, including teams from LNP/BP Standards Association, Pandora Prime, Bitfinex and DIBA, as well as independent contributors.